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As part of Miami DDA’s Urbanism Committee, Biscayne Green’s Community Liaison Team & Public Outreach meetings are open to the public and generally held on an adhoc basis.  Please visit our calendar for a complete schedule of Miami DDA committee meetings.

Committee meeting minutes are available upon request. To request meeting minutes or for more information, please contact Elvira Manon, Miami DDA Board Secretary at manon@miamidda.com or 305-579-6675.

May 12, 2021 – 4:00pm – Biscayne Green Vision Team Mtg #2
May 12, 2021 – 12:00pm – Biscayne Green Vision Team Mtg #1
April 13, 2021- 12:00pm – Biscayne Green Community Liaison Team Part 3
April 13, 2021 –  2:00pm – Biscayne Green Vision Team Mtg  Part 3
December 8, 2020 – Biscayne Green Public Outreach Mtg_Part 2
December 8, 2020 – Biscayne Green Public Outreach Mtg_Part 1
October 29, 2020 – Biscayne Green Community Liaison Team Mtg