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Miami DDA Agendas 

Under the guidance of the Miami DDA Board of Directors and the agency’s Leadership, Advocacy & Operations department, the Miami DDA maintains four working committees in addition to several ad hoc committees and task forces. These committees guide the day to day work of the agency and help ensure that each program, project and initiative aids in the fulfillment of the vision set forth in the 2025 Downtown Miami Master Plan.

  1. Board of Directors

Our four working committees include:

  1. Business Development Committee
  2. Urbanism Committee
  3. Quality of Life Committee
  4. Arts, Culture & Entertainment Committee

Additionally, we also host various other committees and task force meetings throughout the year, including:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Finance Committee
  3. Nominating Committee
  4. DDRI Task Force

We are committed to being transparent about what we do to improve Downtown Miami. And as such, the agendas and minutes from our meetings available to you.

You may access any of our meeting agendas on this page.  To request meeting minutes, please contact Elvira, Miami DDA Board Secretary at manon@miamidda.com or 305-579-6675.