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DDRI Task Force

The Miami DDA DDRI Task Force meets on an adhoc basis to review the Miami DDA’s DDRI funds.

This meeting will be held in person at Miami DDA’s Offices and is open to the public.  Members of the public may also attend virtually via ZOOM, by registering as an attendee.  The link will be posted here the day before the meeting.

Please visit our calendar for a complete schedule of Miami DDA committee meetings, and/or to register for the ZOOM link.

Committee meeting minutes are available upon request. To request meeting minutes or for more information, please contact Elvira Manon, Miami DDA Board Secretary at manon@miamidda.com or 305-579-6675.

February 7, 2024
January 20, 2023             
August 31, 2022 
November 3, 2021
October 4, 2021