Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, this Miami DDA Workshop will be held virtually on ZOOM with Board members attending in person or virtually.
The January 28, 2022 Miami DDA I-395 Baywalk Pedestrian & Bike Bridge Workshop will be held as a HYBRID MEETING (Webinar) with at Board members physically present at the Miami DDA Conference Room located at 200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2929, Miami, FL 33131. All other Board members, Miami DDA staff and Presenters will be participating virtually by registering on the link below:
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. https://us06web.zoom.us/s/85465578737?pwd=R0JpL1RETW9xYWpqY0FOQ1JyUHJndz09
Passcode: 509402
Members of the public can leave prerecorded public comment within 48 hours prior to the meeting by calling 305-379-6586, for agenda items that are scheduled to be heard at this virtual meeting. The prerecorded public comment will be played during the virtual meeting. Additionally, members of the public may also submit a prerecorded video of your public comment to be shown at the virtual meeting. The deadline to submit prerecorded phone and prerecorded video messages is Thursday, January 27, 2022 by 9:00 a.m. Phone and video messages submitted after the deadline may not be played during the virtual meeting. Finally, public comment may also be submitted via email at PublicComments@miamidda.com and will be distributed to the Committee members and Miami DDA Staff and made part of the public record.
Members of the public may also preregister to provide live public comment via ZOOM during the meeting. You may leave a voicemail by phone by calling 305-379-6586 or via email at PublicComments@miamidda.com. Members of the public that preregistered to leave a live comment will be moved from attendee to panelist during the virtual meeting so they can address the Committee members during the public comment portion of the meeting. The deadline to preregister to provide live public comment via ZOOM is also January 27, 2022 by 9:00 a.m.
A copy of the final agenda draft for the Miami DDA I-395 Baywalk Pedestrian & Bike Bridge Workshop will be updated the day before the meeting and posted on the Miami DDA website.
All inquiries concerning this meeting should be addressed to Ivonne de la Vega, Secretary to the Board of Directors, at delaVega@miamidda.com. This meeting has been noticed and advertised in accordance with the State of Florida Sunshine Law.