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Mask On, Miami

The Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has stepped up with a simple message to all: ‘MASKS ON, MIAMI.’ This campaign aims to encourage everyone to follow CDC guidelines and the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County mandates of wearing masks in public to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

We have created a social media challenge, and YOU can help us spread the message.

Here’s how you participate:

When you see the ‘Why Do I Wear A Mask’ post on our Instagram account:

  1. Leave a comment.
  2. Tag a friend asking them to share their “reason why” for your chance to have your reason featured on our page to win.

* Winners will be notified by direct message and will receive their prize pack at the end of the month via mail.

You are now automatically entered for a chance to win a Miami DDA ‘MASKS ON, MIAMI’ prize pack that includes 5 multicolored face masks, hand sanitizer, Miami DDA branded towel, sunglasses, and a clear bag.

Downtown Businesses

If you are a new or existing business in Downtown Miami and would like your business to be promoted as part of our “Mask On, Miami” campaign, email MiamiDDAMarketing@gmail.com. A Miami DDA team member will reach out to you to discuss and schedule.