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Baywalk & Riverwalk Completion

In 1979, the City of Miami passed the Dan Paul ordinance requiring new buildings to be set back 50 feet from the water’s edge and requiring owners to build and maintain a 25-foot public pedestrian promenade along either Biscayne Bay or the Miami River. Where properly designed, implemented and enforced, these public promenades have been a tremendous gift to the City of Miami and its residents, providing waterfront access and quality of life to diverse neighborhoods, ensuring resilience, attracting new businesses and generating a legacy for generations to come. The Miami DDA continues to work with the City, County, FDOT, River Commission and District 2 offices to complete and connect all future sections of both the Baywalk & Riverwalk.

Master Plan Goals
2.0 Leverage our Beautiful and Iconic Tropical Waterfront

2.2 Complete Baywalk & Riverwalk
4.5 Connect and Promote Downtown Parks, Open Space and Greenways

After 40+ years of incremental development, the 5-mile Downtown Baywalk is 88% complete and the 10-mile Miami Riverwalk and on-road Greenway are 65% complete.

1-Year Outlook: FEC Slip southside Baywalk connection will be finished; Aston Martin Residences (300 Biscayne Blvd Way) is scheduled to be completed in late 2022; design began on the I-395 Baywalk Pedestrian & Bikeway Bridge connecting the PAMM/Maurice Ferre Park to the Genting site.
2-Year Outlook: Design should be finished on the I-395 Baywalk Pedestrian Bridge.
3-Year Outlook: Final permitting and construction could begin on the I-395 Baywalk Ped Bridge, leaving only the Genting site (1 Herald Plaza) and The Towers site (1201 Brickell Bay Dr) as the only two remaining Downtown Baywalk sites not completed.  The Riverwalk (north and south) still has numerous sites not completed/connected in Downtown/Brickell.