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Metromover Access Improvements

Following up on both the City and the County adopting Pedestrian Priority Zones, the Miami DDA and the City’s Office of Capital Improvements are coordinating pedestrian and bike access improvements to Metromover stations at seven (7) different sites. Similar to Biscayne Green and Signage & Wayfinding, this project is funded through an FDOT TAP grant. The improvements include new crosswalks, mid-block crossings, bike lanes, sidewalk ramps, and related signage.

Master Plan Goals
5.0 Promote Transit and Regional Connectivity
5.1 Rebalance Roadways Towards Transit, Pedestrians and Cyclists
5.3 Promote Metropolitan Level Transit such as Baylink, Expanded Metrorail and Light Rail

Project is currently under review by County and City staff for permit approvals. Full approval is anticipated within the next months to proceed with construction. City of Miami OCI staff will oversee project management.

1-Year Outlook: Pending permitting from the County, construction could commence and finish in 1 year.